Contents of a basic rope suspension kit

Building a rope kit for suspension can be daunting and certainly is an investment!

Here are some fundamentals:

A few supplies that are nice to have but optional or not relevant in all cases:

  • rated nylon sling (2 – 4′ long) or similar to hang your hard point. This is needed if you work with beam-based points, such as “swingset” frames or truss, or at venues where you need to lower the hardpoint.

  • A swivel. Helpful if you like to spin…not so helpful if you don’t!

Additional supplies for being in rope:

  • Clothing: options include nudity or snug-fitting clothing that doesn’t have embellishments like buttons, zippers, jewels, underwires, fringe, and so on. Shay likes leggings and sports bras. 

  • Something to drink (water, Gatorade, Pedialyte, coconut water)

  • A blanket or robe

  • Band-Aids (these are helpful from both a tying and being-tied perspective—Shay commonly catches hangnails on her rope and finds herself bleeding while self-tying)

  • A light snack (banana, cereal bar, and the like)


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