Tying & Flying: Bondage for Self-Suspension

There is no “one true way” to do or experience rope. Self-suspension bucks more widespread or traditional archetypes of bondage in many different ways and self-bondage aficionados face a number of unique challenges. There are as many different ways to practice self-suspension as there are self-suspenders – both challenge and opportunity exist within this huge variety.

Tying & Flying is intended as a resource to give some perspectives on the background knowledge and practical, hands-on aspects of self-suspension, as well as the more philosophical aspects of what we do and why. I hope you can use this book as a reference (along with mentoring and hands-on instruction) to help you learn this amazing skill, and grow your self-suspension practice from there.

Tying & Flying: Bondage for Self-Suspension

Tying & Flying: Bondage for Self-Suspension

“I've been a bit late getting into rope because a lot of things in that world have always felt daunting and unwelcoming to me. Your book had a huge role in helping me finally feel like I was enough to have a place there. Along with the kind and open approach that comes through in your writing, it was incredibly inspiring and empowering to see all kinds of different people doing all kinds of different things with all kinds of different vibes. I think it really brought home that there's space for all of those people, and there can be space for me too.”

– kittypoops